(In this four-part post we are focusing on the most prevalent window sales scams. For links to all four common window sales tactics and how to avoid them, read “How to Avoid Window Sales Tricks and Scams.”) The last thing we want to do is bad-mouth any other Cleveland window
Buying Replacement Windows? Four Questions to Ask.

Buying new replacement windows can be an overwhelming experience. With all the replacement window companies in the Cleveland area to choose from and the high-pressure sales tactics some are known to use, it’s not as easy as picking an interior paint color scheme. If you’re looking for new windows for
Replacement Wood Windows in Cleveland – Ohio City

The owner of this historic home in Cleveland’s Ohio City realized it was time to replace their windows after experiencing years of drafts and deteriorating window frames. We were happy to get the call for their wooden replacement windows and went to work explaining all the benefits of architectural features
How to Avoid Window Sales Tricks and Scams

The last thing we want to do is bad-mouth any other Cleveland window companies. We’re certainly not the only window company in the Cleveland area providing quality windows at reasonable prices with professional installers and we are proud to be in good company whenever we meet fellow professionals in the