So what is Windowber? It’s basically a concept we made up to remind you that October is the month to think about windows. Either you want to be replacing your windows or delivering proper maintenance to keep them happy throughout our unpredictable Cleveland winters. Taking a look at companies like windows austin could find you a good solution for the best windows in any weather. Give them a try! This is also sound advice for people living in other countries like Sweden that experience cold winters. Going to would be helpful for any Swedish readers!
In this post we’re going to explain why October is the best month to replace your windows, and it isn’t because of some imaginary sale (to learn more about shady sales tactics and fake sales the other guys use to get you to buy windows read Shady Window Sales Tricks and Tactics) These are four reasons based on your schedule and common sense:
1: October is the BEST WEATHER for Getting New Replacement Windows

We seldom think of weather when we think of new replacement windows. We might think we really want new windows when it gets cold because we want to keep that cold air from getting inside, but that is NOT the best time for you to have exposed holes in your house. Think of getting new replacement windows as opening up all the windows in your house at the same time for the whole day, because that’s basically the process. We remove your existing windows, leaving a big opening in your home for a few hours until we have the new window professionally and properly installed.
That’s why winter months are not going to be the most comfortable months for your family to get new replacement windows. We do it, and we try to close off each room so you can maintain some heat in the rest of the house, but it’s just not as comfortable as getting new windows in October. And the summer months are usually so hot that during our installation your air conditioning would be a waste, so that’s usually turned off, and the bugs have easy access with no windows in your walls. In October it gets chilly enough at night that there are less bugs during the day and of course comfortable enough so that a day without air conditioning is not a problem.
2: October is a Break in Your Busy Routine
Usually October, or Windowber as we like to call it, represents a break in your busy routine. You’ve been running around all summer with weddings, family reunions, outings, sports games, family vacations, etc. But in October the kids have settled into their back-to-school routines and you have a small “window” of down-time before the holiday season starts in with harsh winter months soon to follow. So take advantage of this break in your hectic schedule and get those replacement windows in October. Change your clocks, change your smoke alarm batteries, change your windows!
3: New Windows in October Means Lower Heating Bills in February
Many home owners in the Cleveland area get new replacement windows to be more comfortable in their home throughout the winter while paying less to heat their home. Well, it’s October, and you should have already turned your heat on just to make sure it works. If you are having problems with it then a company that provides Heating Services should be called out to take a look. A sudden cold snap and be deadly if your heating unit is not working correctly. We’ve had a few nights dip into the 50’s in Lakewood and we don’t want to be the ones to say it, but the cold weather months are just around the corner. By getting your new replacement windows in October you can enjoy your first winter with a more climate controlled house, less heat escaping through your old windows and a lower energy bill! You can wait for your tax return and get them in January, but read reason number one, about the weather, and maybe reconsider. You may need to take out a loan (click here to apply) in order to be able to afford the replacement now but the cost of replacing your windows now will be worth it when you are saving on your energy bills throughout the year, for years to come.
4: Show Off Your New Windows for the Holidays
Did you know that behind this famous Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving painting is a brand new wood window? We can’t say for sure it’s a Pella Window, but chances are… In seriousness though, we know you’re not going to invest thousands of dollars into your home just to impress your friends and family when they visit for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years or any of your other holiday parties. But f you’ve been thinking about getting new windows anyway, and you haven’t done it yet, celebrate Windowber by treating yourself to those replacement windows in time to show them off for the holidays. Imagine the extra natural light they will let in on Christmas morning, how easy they’ll be to clean before company comes over and how well they’ll keep the warm air in and the cold air out while you’re entertaining. So get yourself some Pella wood windows or new vinyl replacement windows in time to show off your investment for the holidays. Just saying.
Get a free, transparent, no-trickery quote on wooden replacement windows or new vinyl windows by filling out our free estimate form or calling into our Lakewood showroom at 216-221-5800.